audit overview

Chegg UX Audit

This was a side project that I led with my immediate team. The idea to kick this off came out of a team offsite where we realized that because product updates had been incremental and limited scope a lot of UX debt had built up in the end to end user journey.

The primary goal for this project was to do an audit of the different user flows within the Textbook purchase experience to identify issues and areas for improvement. In the process we realized this was a good opportunity to make the broader team aware of the quality issues within the end-to-end experience and how our organizational structure and product development approach may have contributed to it.

I was the UX Manager and lead for this project an worked with a team of designers, researchers and content strategists to complete the audit.

Mapping the experience

We began by identifying the key flows we wanted to audit. For each we looked at both the desktop and mobile web experience. We also varied the platform and browser across flows to get a cross platform view of the experience.

Different lenses

We focused on five different lenses when evaluating the experience. This helped us with prioritzing and identifying owners for the fixes later.

Documenting the issues

After auditing the flows we documented the issues for each of the pages and assigned a priority. We then created Epics in JIRA for each of the dev teams and filed tickets for the issues.

Results and deeper learnings

In addtion to addressing the issues and improving the quality of the end to end experience, we also realized that these issues were symptoms of something deeper and regular audits was not the solution.

After sharing the findings with UX and Product Leadership we kicked off a separate Product Quality Initiative to better understand the underlying problems and identify solutions.